dc.contributorMarcelo Azevedo Costa
dc.contributorEdna Afonso Reis
dc.contributorIlka Afonso Reis
dc.creatorMichele Renata Barbosa da Silva
dc.description.abstractThis research it is about a descriptive and analytical study of the modeling of the operating cost of the transmitting electricity Brazilian companies, using the of multiple linear regression method. Their goal was to identify variables strongly associated with the definition of the operational cost of such companies, as well as compare the results to the components considered in the model proposed in the Technical Note nº 383/2012-SRE/ANEEL for definition of operating costs. The data used in this research were obtained from the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) and, for purposes of study, resources were also used statistical package R. Initially was analyzed the correlation between the dependent variable operating cost and possible explanatory variables , and recognized the variables strongly correlated with the variable costs, were adjusted multiple regression models in order to identify the model that best defines the operational cost of utilities electricity. Finally, the chosen model was compared to that proposed in the Technical Note model nº 383/2012-SRE/ANEEL.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectVariável dependente
dc.subjectVariáveis independentes
dc.subjectCusto operacional
dc.subjectRegressão múltipla
dc.subjectTransmissão de energia elétrica
dc.subjectModelo de regressão
dc.titleAnálise dos custos operacionais de concessionárias brasileiras de energia elétrica utilizando o método de regressão múltipla
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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