Monografias de Especialização
Clostridium perfringens: uma revisão
Lucas Teixeira Souza
Clostridium perfrigens is a ubiquitous Gram-positive bacterium, common in the gastrointestinal tract of both humans and animals. In certain circumstances some lineages might become pathogenic to animals, causing losses in the agropecuary segment, or humans, causing different types of diseases that varies in gravity and lethality. This study aimed to raise data in regards of this bacteria with focus on its: history, morphology and information around the three main human afflictions caused by C. perfringens: food poisoning, necrotic enteritis and gas gangrene. We showed that this bacteria in extremely important in regard to human health, being the second most common cause of food poisoning in the USA and the sixth most common in Brazil. It is also involved in dangerous hospital infections and deep cut infections. Therefore there is a high demand for the creation of new research around vaccines, treatments and prevention forms for these diseases.