Cuidado e educação de bebês: as práticas alimentares na creche
Deise Bruna Massena Leite
This research aimed to understand how the feeding practices of babies between 1 and 2 years of age occur in an EMEI in Belo Horizonte, through the analysis of the organization of space, time and artifacts during the feeding of babies in daycare, of the conceptions teachers and assistants about feeding babies and how they participate during feeding at the daycare center. The study was theoretically based on the studies of Childhood and Early Childhood Education and Anthropology of Food. The methodology used was qualitative research with participant observation in a Municipal School of Early Childhood Education (EMEI) in Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais. The methodological instruments were semi-structured interviews with teachers, assistants and pedagogical coordinator, written record in field notes and photographic and video records. In view of the times and spaces for food at EMEI, one can see the potential to provide quality food to babies and children in this action throughout its educational dimension. However, time has manifested itself as a fundamental element in the feeding practices that influence the quality of babies' eating experiences in daycare. We consider it important to expand teacher training on the subject due to the lack of knowledge on the part of professionals about infant feeding, especially with regard to feeding children with disabilities. It was also evident the importance of the dialogue between the kitchen professionals (cooks and nutritionist) and teachers in order to balance the conceptions of standardization and subjectivities during feeding at the daycare center. We also note the potential of the teacher / baby care relationship, in meeting the babies' singularities and preferences, for the realization of experiences that promote rich feeding practices. With regard to participation in food, it was noticeable the babies' ability to act, who acted actively and participatively in their meals, creating strategies to eat and interact in the collective space of education, exercising autonomy.
Keywords: Food at the daycare center. Babies. Care and Education.