Artigo de Periódico
Transculturalidades: redescobrindo as conexões ancestrais
Leonardo Alvares Vidigal
This research has the purpose to deep en the understanding and mutual recognition among cultural systems contained in the politico-legal entities made known as "Brazil" and "Jamaica". The goal is to trace some of the most important cultural connections through audiovisual and written word, and start a process of rapprochement in the cultural and academic environment. It had assumed that the criterion of belonging to certain areas may not be the only element in guiding the study of cultural systems and that the contact points between them are as important as the factors that distinguish them. The research methodology was based on the intertwining of written and audiovisual primary sources, on interviews, as well as documentary production to bring new light on cross-cultural communication, indicating new possibilities of entanglement between them.The shared features that exists between the two cultural systems were originated among native Amerindian populations (also present in Brazil) and African people taken by force to both territories in colonial times. The text seeks to trace some of these connections, establishing the basis for further research and new discoveries.