dc.contributorAndre Pierre Prous Poirier
dc.contributorCarlos Alberto Etchevarne
dc.contributorAndrei Isnardis Horta
dc.creatorIgor Morais Mariano Rodrigues
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to analyze the archaeological site Vereda III, located in the region of Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais. We analyzed both ceramic and lithic material. From fragments of ceramic we reassemble 24 containers. The focus of the study was on the manufacturing techniques, use and distribution of artifacts in the site. We also conducted qualitative analysis of x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and for identify organic remains, we used infrared spectroscopy. We identified the presence of cauixi as nonplastic inclusion in the ceramic material. We discuss some possibilities for interpreting the meaning of the ceramic technology in the site Vereda III, using ethnographic, ethnoarchaeological and anthropology of technology studies. Finally, through the spatial analysis of the different categories of remains we propose some interpretation possibilities of the occupation in the site Vereda III, assigned to Tradition Aratu-Sapucaí.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectSítio Vereda III
dc.subjectAnálise espacial
dc.subjectTecnologia cerâmica
dc.subjectLagoa Santa
dc.subjectTradição Aratu-Sapucaí
dc.titleFora das grandes aldeias: a ocupação do recôndito sítio arqueológico Vereda III
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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