Dissertação de Mestrado
Maturidade e desempenho em gestão de pessoas: uma análise em fundações de apoio à pesquisa a partir doPeople Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM)
David Ledson Assis de Miranda
The objective of this research was to investigate the relationship between level of organizational maturity with the performance of people management in research supporting foundations in Brazil. The theoretical fundamentation for the study of the topic organizational maturity in people Management included the works of Garrett & Rendon(2005), Cook & Visconti (2005), Curtis, Hefley and Miller (2001, 2002). As for the issue of people management performance there have been used the works of authors such as Boselie (2010), Paauwe (2009), Jordan Harney (2008), Mascarenhas (2008), Kaplan & Norton (2006),Boselie, Dietz and Boon ( 2005), Fitz-Enz (2001) and Guest (1997). It sought to investigate the relationship between the constructs maturity and performance in people management. Data collection was performed from October 22,2010 to January 27, 2011. The methodologyof this study involved a survey by addressing 74 questions concerning aspects of maturity and 44 related to the performance of people management in the research supporting foundations. Data were collected electronically, by using purposeful sampling, being subjects of the survey 13 valid respondents, occupants of positions of managers or departmental supervisors, who work and who were assigned to the human resources departments or areas related to peoplemanagement of research supporting foundations of federal universities nationwide. To evaluate the performance of people management, it was used a set of variables and indicators to measure, developed from the theoretical framework above. To evaluate the maturity levelof people management processes in these organizations, we used the People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM), by Curtis, Hefley and Miller (2001, 2002). The data collected were used in statistical software suitable for carrying out quantitative analysis, considering theresearch objectives and analysis of results, which enabled the explanation of the relationship proposed for the research problem. The work results allowed to verify the existence of significant relationships between these constructs assessed (Maturity and Performance inPeople Management), and allows the formulation of recommendations for the enrichment of the models used, and for the management of people in the research supporting foundations.