Dissertação de Mestrado
A utilização de sistemas informatizados no auxílio ao design e produção de jóias
Vanessa Cristina Rocha
This activity is an analysis of the recent use of informatics systems CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing) during the project stages and production in jewel sector. At the same time the changes caused in the professionals involved are also going to be analyzed. Mainly the designers ability (competence) and work methods. In the globalized and highly competitive market, it becomes more and more important that all the companies develop products aiming to reach, through a better control to productive process, the aims of quality established during the initial stages of project development. In spite of technological advances and the use of machines in many stages of the industrial production of jewels during the first stages concepetion and execution of the first model the work processes still keep essential workmanship features. The limitation intrinsic to the work processes used in these stages as well as by the designer as by the goldsmith it tends creating mistakes that are transferred to the following stages, causing lack of results control. Aiming to provide a better valuation of the products n their initial stages of development, informatics systems to help the project and production CAD ? CAM start to find appliance in jewels industry. This research concludes that the use of these systems can help much to solve problems in the interface between the project and also in the execution in the jewels section. However, also are shows some obstacle to its rapid implementation on jewel sector, overcoat about the apprenticement relative to use its and the necessary changes in the methods of the designers work, aiming to adjust their projects to the needs of the other production sections (among the goldsmith as well) with the purpose of getting a final product that reaches the quality standard wanted.