dc.contributorHumberto Correa da Silva Filho
dc.contributorLeandro Fernandes Malloy Diniz
dc.contributorFelipe Filardi da Rocha
dc.contributorIsrael Teoldo da Costa
dc.contributorRodolfo Novellino Benda
dc.contributorVitor Geraldi Haase
dc.creatorGuilherme Menezes Lage
dc.description.abstractDifferent expressions of behaviors are related to the impulsivity. Three usually characteristics found in impulsive behavior are the deficits on response inhibition, the intolerance to delay gratification and the lack of focus on the task at hand. The former behavior is denominated motor impulsivity, the second non-planning impulsivity and the last attentional impulsivity. This study aimed to investigate the association ofthese dimensions of impulsivity with the manual aiming control. We administered two neuropsychological tests to 125 healthy participants to measure their levels of motor, non-planning and attentional impulsivity. A manual aiming motor task with different perceptual-motor demands was also applied. Factor analyses and multiple linear regressions were conducted to test the hypotheses that motor and attentional impulsivity are variable of interference on motor control. The results indicated thatmotor impulsivity is related to the motor control. The other dimensions were not correlated with the control of manual movements. These findings are discussed in terms of neurobiological substrates associated with both motor control and impulsive behavior.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectmovimentos de apontamento
dc.subjectcomportamento impulsivo
dc.subjectcontrole motor
dc.titleAssociação entre impulsividade e controle motor
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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