Monografias de Especialização
Úlceras por pressão em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva: medição do risco como estratégia de prevenção
Cintia Adriana Miranda
The international literature indicates that between 3-14 % of all hospitalized patients develop skin lesions. These skin lesions acquired in hospitals have received special attention from health professionals as a result of high rates of incidence and socioeconomic impacts that cause , in addition to adversely affect the health and quality of life of patients. Given this context, this study aims to look at the literature that the most effective procedures for measuring the risk of developing pressure ulcers in adult patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. It is an integrative review of this literature in MEDLINE , LILACS and BEDENF databases from 2009 to 2014. All studies have found evidence level IV and include the use of scales Norton, Braden and Waterlow. Strategies found most effective was the use of the Waterlow scale. The use of this scale allows the risk to be identified in up to 5 days before when compared to the other scales mentioned.