Dissertação de Mestrado
A identidade e a carreira parlamentar do partido dos trabalhadores nos discursos dos deputados federais e senadores (1983-2006)
Glauber Eduardo Nascimento Ribeiro Santos
The present study aims to analyse the identity and the parliamentary career of the Partido dos Trabalhadores - Workers Party through the speeches of the members of parliament and senators elected from 1983 to 2006. The parliamentary actions of the Workers Party were constructed based in the fight against the Electoral College, the military regime and the neoliberalism, and supporting the National Constituent Assembly, the social and structural reforms and the workers' strikes in the National Congress plenary session. Thus, this study aims to analyse the construction of the identity and of the parliamentary career of the Workers Party through its continuities and changes in speeches and identifying its capacity for criticism and resolution of political issues directed to workers, citizens and Brazilian society.