Monografias de Especialização
A experimentação no ensino de química com a utilização de materiais alternativos e de baixo custo: consolidando a aprendizagem do conteúdo teórico com o cotidiano
Cristiano Henrique de Souza
The present work treats of the existent relationship among the theoretical content of Chemistry that is studied in class room and your practical application in the daily of the people. In this intention, an analysis of the process of consolidation of the learning was accomplished being used experiments with alternative materials and of easy acquisition that they could reach the above-mentioned relationship. Through the application of questionnaires after and before tests, in a group of twenty students of the third series of the Medium Teaching of a school of the state net in the city of Caratinga-MG, it could be observed as the use of experiments and of the relationship of these with the students daily life can take them to the understanding of the importance of the Chemistry in your lives.