dc.contributorCelia Maria Magalhaes
dc.contributorVera Lucia Santiago Araujo
dc.contributorAdriana Silvina Pagano
dc.contributorSolange Ribeiro de Oliveira
dc.contributorPedro Henrique Lima Praxedes Filho
dc.contributorSoraya Ferreira Alves
dc.creatorMarisa Ferreira Aderaldo
dc.description.abstractAudio Description is an audiovisual type of intersemiotic translation, in other words, it is a verbal text written to be heard live, pre-recorded or with the support of computer screen readers; for its nature focused on visual accessibility, audio description contributes to empowerment and socio-cultural integration of the visually impaired into work, leisure and family environments. In Brazil and abroad, academic researches on audio description, within the scope of Translation Studies, have favored images in motion (cinema, theater and opera) at the expense of still images (paintings, sculptures and architecture). Magalhães and Araújo (2012), perceiving this gap, have proposed the development of descriptive parameters for artistic images aiming the capacitation of audio descriptors. This thesis gives continuity to the researches initiated by Magalhães and Araújo (2012) and followed by Oliveira Jr. (2011), both within the reach of the PROCAD/CAPES/008/2007 project titled Developing a model of audio description for the visually impaired with subsidies from the Studies of Multimodality, Social Semiotics and Translation Studies". This project was undertaken by the Graduate Programs in Linguistic Studies (PosLin) at Federal University of Minas Gerais and in Applied Linguistics (PosLA) at State University of Ceará. Before designing the proposal for the descriptive parameters, which was not concluded by the previous studies, it was necessary to get acquainted with some audio descriptions of paintings in Brazil to comprehend the modus faciendi of audio descriptors. Based on these works, a model for descriptive parameters of artistic images was developed through the interaction between accessible audiovisual translation and multimodal social semiotics. However, it differentiates itself from the other proposals for description of images for its teleology and for engaging two distinct fields in a dialogue accessible audiovisual translation and multimodal social semiotics.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectsemiótica social-multimodalidade
dc.subjectTradução audiovisual acessível
dc.subjectparâmetros descritivos
dc.subjectpinturas artísticas
dc.titleProposta de parâmetros descritivos para audiodescrição à luz da interface revisitada entre tradução audiovisual acessível e semiótica social multimodalidade
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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