Monografias de Especialização
Proposta de intervenção para redução do tabagismo no município de São Miguel do Anta - MG
Vinicius Leles Miranda
Currently in public health there are a large number of diseases that are causes of hospitalizations, deaths and permanent limitations, which can often be prevented, as the use of tobacco. It has been observed in this town a great prevalence of smoking and relationship with many diseases in the community. This work aims to develop an intervention plan with a view to reducing smoking through the implementation of actions to promote health and prevention of diseases related to tobacco, reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with the use of the same in the municipality of São Miguel do Anta-MG. The methodological procedures involved literature review and preparation of the intervention plan. Through this intervention project is expected to be able to educate, guide and educate the general population to reduce smoking. For this it was thought in the training of Health staff and subsequent interventions with family guidance and awareness on basic health Unit and in the community and the individualized approach. It is hoped through simple actions, thinking primarily on prevention, can contribute to reduce smoking and therefore reduce related diseases.