dc.contributorMaria Alice de Lima Gomes Nogueira
dc.contributorClaudio Marques Martins Nogueira
dc.contributorMaria Jose Braga Viana
dc.creatorSolange Aparecida da Fonseca Lopes
dc.description.abstractThis work aimed to understand, from the perspective of Educational Sociology, the migratory process from the countryside of Minas Gerais to the Capital, and the educational strategies for the secondary school students of a traditional confessional private school of Belo Horizonte, whose families belong to middle and superior economic classes of the population. Based upon this empirical researches, which includes geographical origin as one of the factors which may have impact over the student school trajectory, based on the assumption that countryside young people present cultural disadvantages when compared to those from the Capital due to a lager offer of legitimate cultural assets present at major urban centers. In order to do this, we based upon: a) Pierre Bourdieu sociological studies, which indicate a strong correlation between school performance and cultural inheritance; b) the researches of Bernard Charlot and Philippe Perrenoud that analyses the relation between students and their families, knowledge and school. The empirical research constituted of a documental analysis and semi-structured interviews. Interviews have been made to: a) ten secondary school students: six from small to medium countryside cities of Minas Gerais and four inhabitants of Belo Horizonte; b) nine families of this students: five living on the countryside and four living in Belo Horizonte; c) seven educators responsible for the following up this students: five teachers, one educational advisor and the Social Integration Department coordinator. Results have shown a larger mobilization of countryside students towards the studies when compared to their pairs from the Capital. The results also indicate that the migration process, from the families point of view, represents a strategy of reconversion of the economical capital into social and educational capital as part of a broader process of social reproduction, in the words of Pierre Bourdieu.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectestratégias de escolarização
dc.subjectrelação com o saber
dc.subjectestratégias de reprodução
dc.subjectOrigem geográfica
dc.titleOrigem geográfica e estratégias de escolarização: um estudo sobre estudantes migrantes do interior de Minas Gerais para a capital
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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