dc.contributorEugenio Hatem Diniz
dc.contributorAdson Eduardo Resende
dc.contributorFrancisco de Paula Antunes Lima
dc.creatorStélio Reinaldo Corrêa Viglioni
dc.description.abstractResearch took aim the works conditions of the workers who separated the bone from the flesh in a downtown supermarket of the Minas Gerais, using as methodology the Ergonomic Analysis of Work (AET). The data for this understanding had been collected of comments and filmings (50 hours). Four butchers had been interviewed and had had its self-confront activities. The study was realized through, after request of the administration of the supermarket where, according to manager, the workers who separated the bone from the flesh told aches in superior members. It was elaborated the hypothesis that the complaints were related to over repeat activities during the moment to separate the bone from the flesh and the secular constaint in days of great volume of carcasses (15 pigs and 5 oxen). Associated to these factors, it meets temperature between 16°C and 20ºC of the room where separated the bone from the flesh the study of the research had shown that factors as the biomechanic requirements imposed by the tasks and the constaint of time for the execution of them, can be in the origin of aches in fists, elbows and shoulders of the workers. To strike these factors the workers had developed works strategies and ways being placed in practical during the task. In order to guarantee the health and the production of the workers they had been proposals alterations as mechanical mechanism to cut the meat (bisteca), marking of schedules to receive merchandises and the exchange from hooks.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPressão temporal
dc.subjectDesossa de animais
dc.subjectTrabalho repetitivo
dc.titleTrabalho repetitivo sob pressão temporal: as dores musculoesqueléticas e o trabalho de desossa de boi e porco em um açougue
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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