dc.contributorAdriana Maria Tenuta de Azevedo
dc.creatorRenato Frossard Cardoso
dc.description.abstractDeveloping good materials to foster students learning is a challenge that every English teacher must face throughout his or her professional life, and it is everything but simple or easy. This piece of work is an attempt to show how the study of foreign language learning theories can offer support for teachers who want to improve their professional practices, by creating learning activities based on these theoretical approaches. Creating such activities is not an easy task. In fact, it requires a good amount of hard work an effort, which can be discouraging. However, understanding how language learning occurs can be helpful to those who need to apply themselves to this job. The Postgraduate Course in English Teaching provides further education to teachers of English who seek to achieve such understanding of the complex theories of language learning and language acquisition, as well as other pedagogical concepts related to teaching English as a second language. The studies carried out throughout the course and the authors experience in teaching English provided support for the accomplishment of this task.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAbordagem comunicativa
dc.subjectEnsino de línguas
dc.subjectAquisição de línguas
dc.subjectEducação de professores
dc.titleCriação de unidades didáticas para uso em salas de aula de inglês
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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