Monografias de Especialização
Tecnologia Cerec na Odontologia
Marcus Martins Guimaraes
The computerized world has reached out their work to different fields of knowledge. The Cad/CAm technology in dentistry started 27 years ago when was launched in the commercial market the first Cerec machine named CEREC 1, since that time a lot of improvements over this technology were introduced , bringing too much simplicity and getting much better results for the clinical performance of the restorations. Also by developing this Cad/Cam technology, manufactures introduced a large source of new materials that now are available such as , glass ceramics, composits, zirconium and esthetics materials also. The dentistry techniques for cad/cam teeth preparations are the same used for traditional dentistry although with more attention for better definition for the tooth preparation marginal line. The clinical performance and the esthetics results of Cerec restorations showed similar with those restorations made by conventional dentistry and the accuracy of the Cerec works has improved significantly along the time. This new computerized technology has shift the way of thinking of modern dentistry that traditionally it was strongly supported by hand work and that now it adds new instruments that will help the dentist to work more precise, fast becoming the dentistry more profitable, Incorporating this technology in our daily dental practice, will push us to invest, money , time and discipline.