Monografias de Especialização
A presença da religiosidade nas festas em uma unidade municipal de educação infantil: possíveis tensões e múltiplos olhares
Vera Lucia Otto Diniz
The present works aims at fostering debate, reflection and denaturalization of facts related to the presence of religiousness in folk parties and on the curriculum of fundamental education in a Municipal Unity of Fundamental Education in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and to propose the inclusion of multiple lenses that guide the action on the tensions caused by the search for the right to secularism, taking into account the multiplicity of socio-cultural factors present in the curriculum of that public school whose Political Pedagogical Project is centered on the equality principle under the perspective of "right to have rights. The reflective proposals of the study seek solutions the frequent questions, discussions and tensions lived by the collective of teachers, coordinators and principals on the moments of planning and organization of the religious-natured holidays. Considering that the curriculum of fundamental education does not have as legal function to actuate on the childrens religious formation, but have the duty to fulfill its sociopolitical and pedagogical function in order that the students of that age group get to know and experience different cultural manifestations, beside afford them to acknowledge that their culture is also welcomed. We sought to articulate with the conception of a socially engaged democratic education, that does not reproduce existent inequalities, but to allow for the presence of different cultures, ethnicities and religious options. The research was carried by a qualitative and participative approach focused on the intervention project. We worked with different segments of the educative process. The theoretical support for the study was Brazilian legislation guided by law and public policies for integral formation of human person found on the studies of CAVALIEI (2006), CORSINO (2006), CUNHA (2006), CURY (2004) E FISCHMANN (2006). For Fundamental Education, we counted on the theoretical fundamental of KRAMER (1998, 2006,), KRAMERS, NUNES and CORSINO (2011). The intervention research reached the goals proposed, since it brought to scene debate and reflection about elements which are most the time naturalized. Besides stimulation the teachers group to build in a collective form proposals that receive all families, children and professionals of different socio-cultural and religious conditions.