Artigo de Periódico
Giordano de Pisa (1260-1311) e os três significados da cidade: um ensaio de política urbana medieval
André Luis Pereira Miatello
From the sermons of the Dominican friar Jordan
of Pisa (Giordano da Rivalto), between 1302-1307, this article intends to investigate the intersection between preaching and politics in 14th-century Italy, particularly in
Florence. The aim is to investigate foremost the political
mobilization aspect of preaching, which made the pulpit a
forum for political reproduction and negotiation of the public debate and divisions inside the civic assembly; secondly,
this paper discuss the role of preachers as political men, since they intended to interfere in public and individual practices in order to answer the urgent problems of the urban life.
Based on the study of data obtained from three sermons of
Giordano specially devoted to political issues, we discuss
the medieval republicanism without separating the political and the religious and without incurring the political assumptions provided by modernity. In giordanian understanding the contrast between the City of God and the earthly
city affirms the historicity of politics and, at the same time,
expresses its perpetual essence, not doomed to disappear
with the end of history.