dc.contributorMônica Maria Farid Rahme
dc.contributorLibéria Rodrigues Neves
dc.contributorCarla Mercês da Rocha Jatobá Ferreira
dc.creatorFábio Henrique Silva
dc.description.abstractThe research’s objective is investigate the medicalization phenomenon who happen in area of education, who starts with the solicitations from education professionals to health professionals. We can observe who this solicitations are about solicitations for evaluations and interventions with this children, who present difficulties to learn and behavioral problems. There is a tentative to explain the school complaint only through the knowledge doctor-psychological, evidencing the incidence from science discourse in education area. Across the bibliographical survey, we can verify who the Foucault’s thinking is an important reference for the study of this theme the concept of biopolitics contribute for the comprehension how the medicalization of the education is related to power games and is looking for the legitimation from scientific discourse. A second important reference is critical historical psychology, the writer Maria Helena Souza Patto and his work about the production of school failure. This authoress exposes the mechanism of reproduction of social contradiction meddle with the process of schooling to unfavorable cases. This research dialogues with these works however the medicalization question is grounded in contribution of psychoanalysis, according to lacanian orientation who affirm then, nowadays, there is a copulation across science discourse and capitalist discourse. This way, the medicalization is analyzed like a way for deal with the unwell in education, with the impossible to educate and the impossible to homogenize in a context of a politician who pretends for all. This research was characterized by a exploratory study with the objective to analyze the discourses of professionals of education area and health area about the medicalization theme. Was realized semi structured interviews. For this, was interviewed six teachers and seven professionals of health area, who actuate in a public school of basic education. The answers of these interviews provide verify who the data identified in 1980 still remain. The notion of dysfunctional family, sociocultural precarity, and deficit in a student who don’t learn, still prevail how a way to explain the school failure. A psychoanalytical reading help to understand the medicalization question through the listening of the subjects and your positions perceived in your enunciated, focusing in three points: First - the mastery discourse of health professionals, who occupy the place of specialists, received the solicitations of the schools and answering as of a knowledge supposed infallible and truthful. Second – the failure position of the education professionals put themselves when they are through the students of don’t learn. And, finally, third point – who indicate how much the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder become paradigmatic for the study of the school failure, being used, in general, as an first hypothesis for to identify the reason of the no learn.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - Conhecimento e Inclusão Social
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.titleQuem sabe sobre aquele que não aprende? Um estudo sobre a medicalização da queixa escolar a partir dos discursos de profissionais da educação e da saúde

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