dc.contributorRenato Pinto Venancio
dc.contributorJose Maria Jardim
dc.contributorVilma Moreira dos Santos
dc.contributorIvana Denise Parrela
dc.creatorCintia Aparecida Chagas Arreguy
dc.description.abstractThe thesis presents the results of a research into the archival appraisal in the context of public policy municipal archival system, using the city of Belo Horizonte to apply the hypothesis and assumptions presented. The archival appraisal is considered one of the archivist main responsibility tasks, because this is the beginning of the archival heritage formation. The municipal archives is also considered an important instrument ofgovernmental public transparency, and it is very close to the citizens, because they live, work and consume public services in the municipality. A brief description of the main methodological currents of archival appraisal is also presented in this thesis, as well a critical analysis of the appraisal methodology used by the Technical Chamber for Appraisal ofRecords Retention and Disposal Schedule of Belo Horizonte City Hall, pointing out its positive aspects, problems and possible improvements. This thesis presents and analyzes the administrative structure of the city of Belo Horizonte. It was possible to perceive the managers point of view about aspects like archival appraisal, retention and the Public Archive actions, based on the interviews with managers who occupy positions related to support and primary activities of the various departments. The results indicate a low recognition of the Public Archives of the City of Belo Horizonte as conductive agent of this policy as well as the poor knowledge of administrative procedures managers of recordmanagement, pointing out to a superficial knowledge of Records Retention and Disposal Schedule. It is concluded indeed that there is not an archival policy implemented in the city of Belo Horizonte, in spite of all the work developed over the twenty-five years of existence ofits Public Archive.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPrefeitura de Belo Horizonte
dc.subjectGestão e documentos
dc.subjectAvaliação de documentos
dc.subjectPolítica arquivística
dc.subjectArquivo municipal
dc.titleArquivo Público da Cidade de Belo Horizonte: a função avaliação no contexto de políticas públicas arquivísticas municipais no Brasil
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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