Monografia (especialização)
A abrangência da aplicação do artigo 20 da LINDB: os valores jurídicos abstratos, os princípios e os conceitos jurídicos indeterminados
Joelmir de Oliveira Daniel
This work aims at discussing the actual effects produced by article 20 of the Introduction
Rules to Brazilian Law, since such legal provision intended to guarantee legal certainty in the
enforcement of Public Law. Methods focused on literature review, mainly jurists’ opinion.
The main purpose is to give righteous interpretation on “abstract juridical values”, expression
that is, per se, very imprecise. Thus, after framing this tapestry of concepts, we have the
following issue: how interpretable is the expression “abstract juridical values” (article 20 of
the Introduction Rules to Brazilian Law)? To propose an elucidating solution, we investigate,
in the first section of this work, the changes forced by Administrative Law due to its
constitutionalization. This way, the enforcement of principles is especially unsettling. In the
second section of this work, it is necessary to give a short definition of undefined legal
concepts in the context of legal procedures limits to using them in judicial and administrative
decisions. At last, in the third section, the effort is to settle the motivation of the
administrative act as sufficient discursive field to clarify the expressions that the
Administration use in whatever it decides, provided that it takes into account the practical
consequences of its decision.