Trabajo de grado - Maestría
Desarrollo de una guía metodológica para la gerencia de proyectos de construcción de edificaciones sostenibles en Colombia integrando BIM – etapas de planeación y monitoreo y control
Dávila Figeredo, Víctor Hugo
Ramírez Peña, Laura Tatiana
Suarez Prieto, Javier Eduardo
Currently, the construction sector has been one of the main agents of change in the transformation, so it is essential
to propose new tools or sustainable technologies for its development. The main objective of this work is the
development of a methodological guide for sustainable building project management, through the search for the
synergy of management knowledge and new technologies such as BIM and VDC. A methodology is designed and
proposed based on six main stages: literature review, interviews to experts in the Colombian national context,
surveys to stakeholders with knowledge of BIM and sustainability. Subsequently, we proceed to formulate findings
and recommendations that serve for the design of the final product proposed in the degree work that will be
validated. Finally, appropriate conclusions will be drawn for our methodological design guide, and it will be
analyzed to serve as a basis for future lines of research on the topic in new research projects.
KEY WORDS: management, sustainable, design, BIM, technology.