dc.creatorParraguez Kobek, Luisa
dc.creatorCaldera, Erick
dc.date.accessioned2016-11-03 10:43:43
dc.date.available2016-11-03 10:43:43
dc.date.created2016-11-03 10:43:43
dc.description.abstractHabeas Data is not a commonly known concept, yet it is widely acknowledged in certain circles that deal with information security and data protection. Though it has been around for decades, it has recently gained momentum in Latin America. It is the legal notion that protects any and all information pertaining to the individual, from personal to financial, giving them the power to decide how and where such data can be used. At the same time, most Latin American countries have created laws that protect individuals if their  information is misused. This article examines the concept of Habeas Data from its inception to its current applications, and explains the different approaches and legislations passed in Latin American countries on data protection due to the rise of global cybercrime.
dc.publisherFacultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales
dc.relationNúm. 24 , Año 2016 : Julio-Diciembre
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dc.subjectHabeas Data
dc.subjectLatin America
dc.subjectdata protection
dc.titleCyber Security and Habeas Data: The Latin American response to information security and data protection
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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