Optimal Economic–Environmental Operation of BESS in AC Distribution Systems: A Convex Multi-Objective Formulation
2021-12-10Registro en:
Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
Repositorio Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
Gil González, Walter Julián
Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo
Grisales-Noreña, Luis Fernando
Escobar Mejía, Andrés
This paper deals with the multi-objective operation of battery energy storage systems
(BESS) in AC distribution systems using a convex reformulation. The objective functions are CO2
emissions, and the costs of the daily energy losses are considered. The conventional non-linear
nonconvex branch multi-period optimal power flow model is reformulated with a second-order cone
programming (SOCP) model, which ensures finding the global optimum for each point present in the
Pareto front. The weighting factors methodology is used to convert the multi-objective model into a
convex single-objective model, which allows for finding the optimal Pareto front using an iterative
search. Two operational scenarios regarding BESS are considered: (i) a unity power factor operation
and (ii) a variable power factor operation. The numerical results demonstrate that including the
reactive power capabilities in BESS reduces 200 kg of CO2 emissions and USD 80 per day of operation.
All of the numerical validations were developed in MATLAB 2020b with the CVX tool and the
SEDUMI and SDPT3 solvers