Artículos de revistas
Visibility strategy of the academic production and research output of the UFPS: Institutional digital repository
Rodriguez Tenjo, Judith del Pilar
Gallardo Pérez, Oscar Alberto
Within the University Francisco de Paula Santander (UFPS), activities are conducted to generate a large amount of academic and research output for which there exists a high demand for access to them. The objective of this article is to describe the construction of the Institutional Digital Repository (IDR) as a strategy to strengthen the visibility and the national and international impact of the academic output of the UFPS-Cúcuta. The framework for the development of the IDR was developed with The Dublin Core standard of Metadata interoperability using open source software DSPACE which is greatly accepted in the community as it has tools for the management of bibliographic collections. As a result, a description of the concepts of repositories, data representation and the process of building the IDR was done. By managing these strategies, the UFPS will strengthen its visibility and the national and international impact of its academic and research output and improve the scientific performance in the University's Web Ranking.