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dc.creatorOnatra Chavarro, Clara Isabel
dc.creatorLopez Hurtado, Maria Eugenia
dc.creatorSánchez, William Ariel
dc.creatorGarcía Ardila, Alexis
dc.creatorCarrillo Cruz, Carlos Enrique
dc.creatorMontero Londoño, Yanneth Cristina
dc.creatorNiño, Mary Elen
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dc.description.abstractWe are living in a world in which changes are taking place in a vertiginous way. We are facing a new and technological era, in which we have to accept the challenge to teach and train XXI century kids, adolescents, teenagers and young adults. “Technological advances are putting forward computers and multimedia devices as central part of the social, economic, cultural and in a big way, educational development. Although this sometimes might be scary for non-expert users, it is necessary to recognize that all the new technological resources are essential means in the educational setting, and teachers need to identify their opportunities and benefits for the teaching and learning process in their particular contexts” (Acevedo, Saide-2010). Teachers’ pedagogical Proposals in the Use of English Discoveries Software in their schools.p.15 The British Council in its article, The Global Learning Crisis, makes emphasis on the following statement: “Over the last decade, research has found that while the number of children enrolling and remaining in education has increased, concerns still remain about the quality of education children are receiving. This has been termed a global learning crisis and research indicates that children are not learning basic skills, in many countries” Are we, as teachers of English, prepared to foster and develop in our students, 21st century skills like, critical thinking and problem solving? collaboration and communication? citizenship? digital literacy? as well as student leadership and personal development? The aim of this book is to offer you different alternatives to cope with these issues. We really teach, when we let the “other” learn at his own pace and style, making use of appropriate resources and adequate tutoring. Remember the following golden rule and get ready to become an excellent Teacher of English to those who need you and are looking for you. Learn by heart and keep in mind the following golden rule: Tell me …and I will forget. Show me…and I will remember. Involve me…and I will learn. Convince and challenge me… and I will change, act, create and produce.
dc.publisherUniversidad Libre
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
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dc.subjectInglés para Ingenieros
dc.subjectTendencias didácticas para aprender ingles
dc.subjectHerramientas tecnológicas deaprendizaje
dc.subjectAprender inglés
dc.titleNew Trends in didactics of English

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