dc.contributorCataño Cataño, Carlos Ariel
dc.creatorSuarez Laverde, Jenny Paola
dc.identifierSuarez Laverde, J. (2020). Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de empanadas con sabores del mundo [tesis de pregrado, Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia]. Repositorio USTA
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractThe idea of ​​a company that produces and markets empanadas at home, aimed at employees of medium and large companies in the town of Chapinero, arises from the need for employees to eat mid-morning with a snack during an active break, this It produced the opportunity to offer a quality product that guarantees flavor and freshness, both of the dough based on breastplate and the filling, which was thought of representative flavors worldwide. With the unexpected increase in sales of the empanadas, their flavors increased and they sought more quality in all the processes involved in the preparation and marketing, and in this way they acquired practice, experience and recognition. The legalization of the project arises from the need for greater commercialization and entry to other companies who require the necessary sanitary permits to provide the service and the presentation of the company's documentation. The clients that are managed are located in the town of chapinero, the business sector and with a large influx of people, the sales that are handled exceed the expectations of the project due to the number of daily empanadas sold in each of the companies that corresponds to 200 and 250 units a day, in the same way it should be noted that as of March due to the global pandemic that is taking place at the moment, this number of daily sales is greatly reduced, selling around 60 to 80 empanadas a day. It is for this reason that a representative change is seen in the project and therefore the estimates are made in a pessimistic scenario, in the same way we have worked hand in hand with the different companies to be able to join all the standards, protocols and requirements of biosecurity raised by each company, in order to be able to access these without problems and to be able to meet the required daily sales. Theoretically speaking of the project, its viability can be interpreted because the empanada is a product of tradition in different markets at the gastronomic level as evidenced in the magazine “La Barra” (La Barra, 2020). Product that is aimed at all types of consumers, strata and regions of the country, which due to its low production cost and sale price allows high profits and consumer preference. Following these previous specifications from taste to tradition and in relation to knowledge, it was decided to manage a descriptive research line, comprising the description, registration, analysis and interpretation of the processes required both for the constitution of the company and for the preparation and product production. The focus is on key findings and on how the human talent of the company and the company itself is conducted or operates in the present. We will work on realities of fact to give a correct interpretation of the product. Another important aspect to work with is people, for this reason the company will bet on continuous training and motivation of employees, organizing open days for apprentices interested in gastronomy and production processes for the development of training projects, taking always consider the employee. In addition, collaborative work will be fostered by promoting the development of employee skills. In the same way, it is intended to promote training projects for people with mental disabilities, allowing the development of their skills and abilities within the company.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Administración de Empresas
dc.publisherFacultad de Administración de Empresas
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.titleEstudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de empanadas con sabores del mundo

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