dc.contributorEnciso Betancourt, Beatriz Eugenia
dc.contributorUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.creatorChalá Lee, Hussam Karim
dc.creatorTriviño Cárdenas, David
dc.creatorCifuentes Angulo, Juan Sebastian
dc.creatorRincón Maldonado, Jaime Andrés
dc.creatorMartínez, María del Mar
dc.identifierChalá Lee, H. K., Triviño Cárdenas, D., Cifuentes Angulo, J. S., Rincón Maldonado, J. A. & Martínez, M. del M. (2021). Reconstrucción de la memoria simbólica en Trujillo, Valle: ¿reparación autónoma para las víctimas? [Tesis de Pregrado en Comunicación Social, Universidad Santo Tomás] Repositorio Institucional
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the issues of reparation and memory have taken on great relevance within our country, which is also related to the peace negotiations that have been carried out in Havana, Cuba. Around all this, the question remains as to whether a proper reparation will be generated and what will be the indicated way to recall from the proposals led by the State. Now, there are some victims' associations that have already begun to generate memory processes in the interior of the country, a striking example is seen in Trujillo, Valle, where AFAVIT, the Association of family victims of Trujillo, has carried out a continuous process in recent years. , focused on the reconstruction of memory as a way to dignify the victims of the massacre that occurred in that municipality in the 80s and 90s. It is extremely important to review the way in which the Trujillo victims remember, understanding how, through purely symbolic elements and their processes, they become an autonomous form of reparation to the victims. On the other hand, it is important to make what happened in Trujillo visible, as this is how the victims consider that a transformation can be generated in the country, in the reconstruction of the truth, a relentless search for justice, due reparation and of course, the guarantee of non-repetition. This project carried out by the Isegoría Seedbed of the Santo Tomás University aims to make visible how the processes of memory reconstruction of Trujillo, through their symbolic elements, constitute an action inherent to the autonomous and comprehensive reparation of the victims, through the recognition of the facts, the dignity of the victims, the search for justice, the resistance against, even the current, harassment, a process created by them and directed at the entire Colombian people.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Comunicación Social
dc.publisherFacultad de Comunicación Social
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleReconstrucción de la memoria simbólica en Trujillo, Valle: ¿reparación autónoma para las víctimas?

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