Terminal Intermunicipal de paso categoría 4 para el Sur del Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga
2021-11-18Registro en:
Duque Tirado, E. T. (2021). Terminal Intermunicipal de paso categoría 4 para el Sur del Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga. [Tesis de pregrado]. Universidad Santo Tomás. Bucaramanga, Colombia
Duque Tirado, Erika Tatiana
To address the design problem of the present architectural proposal, in the first measure, the analysis of the context related to the current bus station was taken into account, which functions as an “inter-municipal station” located in the township of Piedecuesta, Santander, where from this it was possible to deepen more about the type of population, its culture and the countless problems generated at the level of mobility and passenger transport that there are presents. Based on this, land architecture is chosen as a theoretical reference, which undoubtedly represents to a large extent Santander’s roots and culture, thus serving as a compositional axis to the architectural object and a quality when giving appropriation to it.
Finally, after carrying out a typological study of several proposals like this, the present project of Intermunicipal Station 4th category is generated as a purpose to organize the activities related to the provision of this service, responding in a formal, functional, and constructive way with the activities of this type of equipment.