dc.contributorAcosta Castellanos, Pedro Mauricio
dc.creatorGómez Otálora, Alvaro Andrés
dc.creatorHerrera Castelblanco, Ana Milena
dc.identifierGomez Otalora, A y Herrera Castelblanco, A (2015) Analisis de la erosión en taludes y laderas, mediante la implementación de Biosiembras a partir de Compost, Santo Tomas, Tunja
dc.description.abstractSlope erosion is a problem that has grown mainly by climate change, inappropriate practices cutting and digging soil and mismanagement of runoff, causing soil instability; in the construction of these embankments are not considered failure mechanisms and quantification of the imbalance of bearing capacity, accelerating soil depletion, loss of topsoil and landslips, where road works are the most affected due to sediment hosted on the roads. It’s important to perform preventive processes for mitigation and erosion control slope in order to avoid complications that may involve larger scale security of the population, is to study mechanisms of prevention and management of erosion from developing compost , from the analysis of soil characteristics of the eroded slope , studying environmental and geotechnical aspects and then make a physical model laboratory where some geotechnical characteristics of the slope are recreated and hydrological processes are analyzed before and after implementation of the compost , showing evolutionary processes of this compound in the control of erosion control through hydraulic parameters.
dc.relation1987). Munual de Ingeniería de Taludes. En A. Caicedo, Serie: Guías y Mnuales Nº 3 (pág. 456). Madrid: INSTITUTO GEOLÓGICO MINERO DE ESPAÑA Rios Rosas, 23 28003.
dc.relationCerdà, A. (2007 ). Soil water erosion on road embankments in eastern Spain. Science of The Total Environment, 151–155.
dc.relationEder De la Peña. (2012). Uso de lodos de aguas residuales para la protección de taludes frente a la erosión. Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, 62.
dc.relationGeorge Tchobanoglous, H. T. (1998). Getión Integral de Residuos Sólidos. Aravaca (Madrid): McGRAW-HILL INTERAMERICANA DE ESPAÑA, S.A.
dc.relation(1998). En H. T. Gerege Tchobanoglous, Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos (Volumen I) (pág. 1087). Madrid: Mc-GRAW - HILL / INTERAMENRICANA DE ESPAÑA, S.A.
dc.rightsAcceso cerrado
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleAnalisis de la erosión en taludes y laderas, mediante la implementación de Biosiembras a partir de Compost

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