dc.creatorMartinez Gonzalez, Edith Lorena
dc.identifierMartinez Gonzalez E. 2019 Marketing Estratégico, Una Herramienta De Planificación Para La Lotería De Boyacá. Tesis de Pregrado. Universidad Santo Tomas. Tunja
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractThis reflection and research analyze the origin of marketing and how it evolves to a branch called strategic marketing, allowing the above to understand how its implementation in companies, punctually in the Lotería de Boyacá, generates an impact, aligned to each one to the objectives that have in the company. It is appropriate to highlight, in addition, the structure of strategic marketing, mentioned three relevant aspects that contribute to the realization of this document; a) the contributions generated by the author to the marketing area of the company where the professional practice was developed, b) the contribution to the professional part of the author and, c) the importance of planning together with an evaluation in what was planned and executed. Likewise, as a final part of the article, its use as a growth tool at the local, regional, national and international levels is expanded and projected, since it is determined to be crucial in the analysis and planning processes of the projects that the companies intend to carry out.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Negocios Internacionales
dc.publisherFacultad de Negocios Internacionales
dc.relationGrupo Spri Taldea. (13 de Noviembre de 2015). Spri. Recuperado el 23 de Marzo de 2019, de https://www.spri.eus/es/upeuskadi-comunicacion/7-empresas-para-7-casos-deexito/ Hernández Aranda, I. (11 de Diciembre de 2014). Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. Recuperado el 10 de Noviembre de 2018, de www.uaeh.edu.mx: http://cvonline.uaeh.edu.mx/Cursos/Lic_virt/Mercadotecnia/SERV_SOC/unidad5/p res_b111214_Implementacion_evaluacion_control.pdf
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dc.relationP., & Amstrong, G. (2003). Fundamentos del marketing (Sexta edición ed.). México: Editorial Pearson Education. Recuperado el 4 de Febrero de 2019, de http://repositorio.utc.edu.ec/bitstream/27000/1505/1/T-UTC-1372.pdf López Manjarrés, G. (2014). www.ehu.es. Recuperado el 05 de Febrero de 2019, de https://addi.ehu.es/bitstream/handle/10810/17225/Gorka%20L%F3pez%20TFG.pdf ;jsessionid=CD8123FAEDBB6B356A17404A96B7BC0B?sequence=1
dc.rightsAcceso cerrado
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.titleMarketing Estratégico, Una Herramienta De Planificación Para La Lotería De Boyacá.

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