Plan de negocios para introducir prendas de vestir en el almacén Tu fábrica para personas en condición de discapacidad centrándose básicamente en limitaciones físicas, movilidad reducida en brazos y piernas, parapléjicos residentes en Pamplona- Norte de Santander
2020-01-24Registro en:
Reyes Contreras, C. M. (2020). Plan de Negocios para introducir prendas de vestir en el almacén Tu Fábrica para personas en condición de discapacidad centrándose básicamente en limitaciones físicas, movilidad reducida en brazos y piernas, parapléjicos residentes en Pamplona - Norte de Santander. [Tesis de maestría, Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia]. Repositorio Institucional
reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Reyes Contreras, Claudia Maritza
The objective of this work is to develop a business plan at the Tu Fábrica warehouse in Pamplona, starting from a dynamic of social integration, through a breaking innovation, which according to Rodrigo Varela is where "they generate radical changes in the model, or in technology, or both, and creates great competitive advantages that are difficult for competitors to answer. They are changes in the type of games that produce more fraction of market, increase income and improve margin "(Rodrigo, 2014), reflected by the introduction of a new line of clothing, which requires changes not only in the process that starts from the design, preparation, commercialization and inclusion of services that make a difference. According to Porter & Kramer, "the policies and operational practices that increase the competitiveness of a company, while simultaneously improving the social and economic conditions of the communities in which it operates" is the creation of shared value (Porter & Kramer, 2011). this case, aimed at improving the quality of life of a market unattended until the moment conformed by people in condition of disability focusing basically on their physical limitations, reduced mobility in arms and legs, paraplegics residing in the city, seeking for them a social benefit, taking into account the difficulty that is presented to them to find garments that facilitate their dressing. The market study showed the acceptance of this proposal by the target population, technically the infrastructure available to the warehouse are sufficient for the production process, internally a change was proposed in the internal distribution of the machines to optimize the time in the design process, cutting and sewing, in addition to the validation of five prototypes of prioritized garments, considering the condition of disability of some of the people who participated in this investigation, it was required the advice of expert professionals: one in the area of health: in this case a physiotherapist and a fashion designer, allowing to offer personalized, functional and aesthetic garments. The impact of this proposal is positive: its benefits are not only for the population served; if not, also for the owner of the Tu Fábrica Store, then, in addition to increasing its market share, financially it reflects a profit in the medium term, with great future prospects for being an unattended market, identifying a business opportunity