Formación de Recurso Humano para la Ctel: Proyectos de investigación y desarrollo
Un estudio sincrónico del sujeto elíptico del primer y tercer pronombre personal singular en la lengua española: Un enfoque morfosintáctico y pragmático en niños monolingües colombianos
2017-10Registro en:
Jiménez Rocha, H. A. (2017). Un estudio sincrónico del sujeto elíptico del primer y tercer pronombre personal singular en la lengua española: Un enfoque morfosintáctico y pragmático en niños monolingües colombianos
Jiménez Rocha, Hernando Andrés
Jiménez Salazar, Erika Marina
The present investigation is a synchronic study that will analyze the elliptical subject1 in the first and third singular personal pronoun of the Spanish language in Colombian monolingual children. This project will examine the frequency of use and omission of the tacit subject2 through two branches of linguistics that are morphosyntax and pragmatics, so four theories of language with omission of subject that are Morphological Ambiguity, Change and the same referent will be analyzed. , Pragmatic weight and Turn taking. In this way, this study will compare the frequency of use and omission of the elliptical subject sociolinguistically in children aged five and eight years, where the objective is to contrast and identify the tacit subject, since according to previous studies, children of eight years favor the use of the elliptical subject in the message in the illocutionary force, while younger children disfavour the omitted subject. Therefore, there is a tendency to use or omit similarly with the adult the personal pronoun subject after eight years of age, in the same way it will be identified if the proposed theories of pragmatic and morphosyntactic approach support the theoretical foundations of use and omission of the elliptical subject in the period of childhood. This study will be articulated with the guidelines proposed by the Integral Multicampus Plan where the commitment to the educational project, the social projection, pertinent research and regional enrichment of the programs with common standards intervene, where the greatest contribution will be the generation of knowledge that will allow the visibility of the USTA in communicative and language processes at a national and international level. To conclude, the expected results of this research will be the differentiation of use and omission of subjects personal pronouns in the ages of five and eight years of age, likewise it is expected that the theories exposed in the theoretical framework will respond and influence the choice of the speaker in using or omitting the subject personal pronoun in first and third person singular.