dc.contributorOchoa Hernández, Yesid Alberto
dc.creatorQuintero Camero, Karen Johanna
dc.identifierQuintero Camero, K. J. (2021). Optimización del proceso de investigación y análisis de información en la Unidad de Trabajo Legislativo (UTL) del congresista asignado [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Santo Tomás Colombia]. Repositorio institucional.
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstract"The Center for Research and Higher Legislative Studies [Centro de Investigaciones y Altos Estudios Legislativos (CAEL)] is a technical-academic entity of support and neutral nature, attached to the General Secretariat of the Senate" (CAEL, n.d.); founded under Resolution 177 of 2014 by the Board of the Congress, it is the only specialized center for research in legislative matters in the country and besides having the recognition of Colciencias, it represents a model of technification and modernization of the parliament in all Latin America thanks to its robust network of multidisciplinary connections. (CAEL, n.d.) The internship was performed from two sides within the Congress: the team of interns of the Internship and Internship Coordination of CAEL, articulated with the Legislative Work Unit [Unidad de Trabajo Legislativo (UTL)] of an assigned congressman; in this collaborative work, the intern is allowed to develop investigative reports on economic, political and social issues to be a supporting tool in the generation of legislative inputs and in turn support the development of legislative initiatives, political control reports and papers to facilitate decision making by the assigned congressman's UTL. In accordance with the above, during the development of the internship, the high volume of data under study became noticeable and therefore the continuous need to optimize the process of research and analysis of information for the construction of reports for the Legislative Work Unit and also, given that the office or UTL is not linked to the legislative support platform of CAEL-ARCA, there was no support tool that would facilitate the analysis for the generation of legislative resources or inputs.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Negocios Internacionales
dc.publisherFacultad de Negocios Internacionales
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dc.relationCentro de Investigaciones y Altos Estudios Legislativos [CAEL]. (s.f.). ¿Qué es CAEL?. Centro de Investigación y Altos Estudios Legislativos. http://cael.senado.gov.co/cael/red-cael/item/95-que-es-cael
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dc.relationImprenta Nacional. (s.f.). de http://svrpubindc.imprenta.gov.co/senado/
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dc.relationSenado de la República. (2019). Informe de gestión Senado de la República 20/Julio*13/Diciembre 2019. https://senado.gov.co/index.php/documentos/senado-prensa/3320-informe-de-gestion/file
dc.relationSenado de la República. (s.f.). Información de interés. Senado de la República. https://www.senado.gov.co/images/Archivospdf/elsenado/Inicio/Informaci%C3%B3n_de_Inter%C3%A9s/ORGANIGRAMA_SENADO.pdf
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleOptimización del proceso de investigación y análisis de información en la Unidad de Trabajo Legislativo (UTL) del congresista asignado

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