dc.creatorGarcía Murillo, Paulo Germán
dc.creatorAlmenares Aragón, Jennifer Vannesa
dc.creatorValencia González, Jesika Natali
dc.creatorSerrano, María
dc.identifierGarcía, Paulo., Almenares, Jennifer., Jesika, Valencia & Serrano, María., (2017). Análisis del estado actual de las políticas en Educación Superior en Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. Universidad Santo Tomás Abierta y a Distancia.
dc.description.abstractGray mold is a cosmopolitan and limiting disease of the cultivation and postharvest of the rose in Colombia; The objective of this study was to establish an in vitro test to evaluate the compatibility of four fungicides with a Trichoderma isolate (USTA_Tri-004). In order to propose possible rotations of the Trichoderma insulation, with four fungicides based on the active ingredients Fenhexamid, Pyrimethanil, Prochloraz and Fenhexamid + Tebuconazole, which are the most used for the control of Botrytis cinerea in the production of rose in The Savannah of Bogota. On the other hand another limitation of the production of the rose, is the quasar per hairy millet produced by Peronospora sparsa, is one of the most limiting diseases in the production of roses in Colombia; Being the chemical control, the first measure of management of this disease; For this reason, the objective of this research was to evaluate the efficacy of fungicides with the active ingredients Cimoxanil + Mancozeb (Mancyl®_WP dose 2.0g * l-1); Cimoxanil + Famoxadone (Equation®_Pro dose 1.5g * l-1); Cimoxanil + Mancozeb (Curzate®-8-dose 2.0g * 1-1); Metalaxyl + Mancozeb (Ridomil®_Gold_MZ_68_WP dose 2.0 g * l-1); Propamocarb_HCL + Fluopicolide (Infinite® SC dose 1.5 ml * 1-1), Fosetyl-Al (Fosetal®_80_WP dose 2.0g * 1-1); Applied in spray, on leaves of rose (Variety Charlotte) of preventive and curative form. On the other hand, biofungicides Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lactobacillus brevis (SCD-EM_Agro® dose 1.0ml * l-1) were also evaluated in a preventive way; Bacillus subtilis CM-5 and Bacillus cereus BCE-2 (Defensor® dose 1.0ml * l-1), and Bacillus subtilis QST 713 (Serenade®_ASO dose 5.0 ml * l-1). All fungicides, with the exception of Fosetil aluminum, presented preventive efficacies above 85%; However, of these, Propamocarb_HCL + Fluopicolide and Cimoxanil + Famoxadone, presented curative efficacies of 86 and 81% respectively; For the first case, this can be explained to the interference on the lipid synthesis of the phytopathogenic cell membrane; And for the second, to the interference of the cellular respiration of this microorganism. As for biofungicides, only S. cerevisiae plus L. brevis presented a preventive efficacy greater than 85% against P. sparsa; The above can be explained, because its main interaction with phytopathogens, is based on antibiosis and competition for nutrients, and space; Which generates few risks of environmental contamination.
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleEvaluación in planta de tres desinfectantes contra el moho gris (Botrytis cinerea Pers.:Fr.), y de seis fungicidas y tres biofungicidas fungicidas contra mildeo velloso (Peronospora sparsa) en rosa (Rosa spp.): Informe final
dc.typeApropiación Social y Circulación del Conocimiento: Informes de investigación

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