dc.creatorFranco, Juan Pablo
dc.creatorTovar, Miguel
dc.creatorAvendaño Uribe, Bryann
dc.creatorGuerrero González, Neil
dc.creatorQuiroga, Diego Fernando
dc.creatorBrunal Ramírez, Susana
dc.creatorBeltrán, Carlos Alirio
dc.creatorChica Otálvaro, Sarha
dc.creatorRodriguez Velasquez, Elkin
dc.identifierFranco, J. P., Tovar, M., Uribe, B. A., Gonzalez, N. G., Quiroga, D. F., Ramirez, S. B., . . . Rodriguez-Velasquez, E. (Mar 2019). Cunning: From play to wit, a STEM science club for technological and social entrepreneurship. Paper presented at the 117-123
dc.description.abstractAbstract - The lack of –Science, Technology, Engineering and Math– STEM skills in the Colombian students, has stopped the development of abilities required in the twenty one century. The kids and young people do not consider STEM careers as a successful and viable life project, because of the economy background. That is the reason why scientist, technology entrepreneurs and nonprofit organizations seek a social transformation by expanding the access to high quality STEM education, through programs that include projects in order to find problem-based solutions, develop technical and cognitive skills and real experiences with scientific and technological material, incorporating 80% practical and 20% theoretical classes and the interaction between high quality scientist and a rural community, in order to share knowledge. This investigation shows the work made by a Scientist team and a group of kids and young people of the municipality of Túrreques, Nariño, supported by the German technology Fischertehnik, the Technical Academy of SENA and “Clubes de Ciencia Colombia”, that allowed these kids to increase their selfconfidence by using this technology and their logical reasoning as an intention of contributing to the realization of a better future in Colombia. This work is opened to future research in the field of education and science.
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleCunning: From play to wit a STEM science club for technological and social entrepreneurship
dc.typeApropiación Social y Circulación del Conocimiento: Edición de revista o libro de divulgación científica

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