dc.creatorLinero Bocanegra, James Paul
dc.creatorRiveros Polanía, Gustavo
dc.description.abstractThis project starts as a proposal for a solution to the problems of economic development in the rural area of the town of USME, location in the diagnoses of Social Projection Centers Coordination’s at Santo Tomás University, as well as a project for Advanced identification during 2019 by the proponents of a qualitative research with community leaders from the USME Town. The peasant markets will become one of the scenarios with the greatest possibility of integration and interaction of economic actors, and from there, the project will focus on identifying and strengthening business initiatives, their characteristics and, in this way, the potential of the market in the territory The basis for its implementation is specified in the identification of the economic relationships of the actors in the rural area of the town of Usme and of those involved in the promotion of peasant markets, such as the local mayor's office, peasant groups and other associations. and community leaders, committed to socio-economic development, from the identified agricultural, textile, artisanal, commercial, and other sectors. These interactions will be projected to generate, from the self-management of the community itself, the integration of business initiatives that participate in peasant markets and that allow the construction of self-sustainable and self-management models for development in the medium and long term. A qualitative methodology is proposed, through the experiential method with the community, from the generation of contributions and own and real initiatives, which develops the economic and social growth of its members.
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dc.titleIntegración de actores económicos para el desarrollo de estrategias de marketing territorial en la localidad de Usme
dc.typeApropiación Social y Circulación del Conocimiento: Generación de contenidos de audio

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