Cartilla diseño paso a paso CAD Campero Jeep
Díaz, Natalia
Pérez, Alejandro
In a global world, where knowledge varies every second due to the speed at which technology advances, skills that go beyond technical knowledge, basic science and other theoretical subjects are required by new engineers.
This primer is made as a result of an experimental process of design and 3D modeling of a scale car - Jeep Wrangler Sport 2018. The primer shows the design procedure and parameterization of the scale car, product of the Cooperative Project of Industrial Engineering between the Universidad Santo Tomás de Bogotá (Colombia) and Tecnológico de Costa Rica, in order to promote the generation of new teamwork projects on a continental level, regardless of their distance and with the support of new communication technologies. The Santo Tomás University, Main Venue, was represented in this project by the Research and Innovation and Sustainability Seedbed (SII2).