Comprensión de las representaciones sociales construidas frente a la decisión de permanecer o desertar del Programa de Psicología de la Universidad Santo Tomás, Sede Bogotá.
2022-02-17Registro en:
González Triana, M., Moyano Bohórquez, M. & Navarro Gamarra, L. (2021). Comprensión de las representaciones sociales construidas frente a la decisión de permanecer o desertar del Programa de Psicología de la Universidad Santo Tomás, Sede Bogotá. [Trabajo de pregrado, Universidad Santo Tomás Colombia]. Repositorio Institucional
reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
González Triana, María Andrea
Moyano Bohórquez, María Paula
Navarro Gamarra, Laura
This qualitative research based on the academic line Psychology, Family and Human Systems, allowed the understanding of particular social representations that evolved as a response to the student´s decision, to continue or dropout from the Psychology program in Saint Thomas University, Bogota campus.
Considering that reality is a dynamic and subjective construction based on ideas and personal experiences, according to the interpretative paradigm, dropout decisions rely on the student´s particular understandings and academic experiences, by sharing meanings and values that underlie their decision to either continue or drop out college.
The narrative biographical method, the polyphonic design, and the in-depth narrative interview enabled the compilation of stories and experiences from two participants. Participants that have been related with the institution throughout their academic experience, sharing their personal thoughts and understandings about their decision to continue or dropout from the faculty. These meanings and perceptions crossover, highlight the importance of individuality in the construction of strategies aimed to promote the permanence of students, considering their thoughts, behaviors, and suggestions of improvement. By which, categories such as family relationships, relationships, academic satisfaction, and economy, emerged as a way of comprehending how drop out decisions are influenced by a complex system of beliefs carried not only by students but their families and their culture and financial means.