dc.contributor | Alvarado Jaimes, Ricardo | |
dc.contributor | Vargas, Tito Raul | |
dc.creator | Rivera Betancur, Lisbeth Haydee | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-05-21T23:47:41Z | |
dc.date.available | 2020-05-21T23:47:41Z | |
dc.date.created | 2020-05-21T23:47:41Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2020-05-10 | |
dc.identifier | Rivera Betancur, L. H. (2020). Solución IoT para la optimización del proceso de piscicultura en el Centro de Desarrollo Agroalimentario El Limonal. [Tesis de pregrado, maestría en redes y sistemas de comunicaciones]. Universidad Santo Tomas, Bucaramanga, Colombia | |
dc.identifier | http://hdl.handle.net/11634/23368 | |
dc.identifier | repourl:https://repository.usta.edu.co | |
dc.description.abstract | In this article, an Internet of Things model is proposed to support the fish farming process in an Agri-Food Center in Colombia, with the purpose of monitoring different variables of the process in real time and being able to make timely decisions that affect the improvement of rates in the artificial multiplication of fish. The project was defined in three stages; the first stage of cutting-edge analysis on smart farms, a second stage where an IoT framework is created that enables sensor, transmission, and analysis of process variables, and a third stage of IoT architecture design. The specific development that can correctly classify more than 95% of the analyzed instances, achieves a very good prediction based on the variables measured through the proposed IoT architecture. | |
dc.language | spa | |
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dc.title | Solución IoT para la optimización del proceso de piscicultura en el Centro de Desarrollo Agroalimentario El Limonal | |