Apropiación Social y Circulación del Conocimiento: Evento científico con componente de apropiación
Ponencia-Johan Sebastian Casagua Cano- Cartagena De Indias
Casagua Cano, Johan Sebastian
The EXPOTECNOLOGÍA 2019 event held at UNITECNAR in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, had the following congresses: IX International Congress on New Technologies; III International Congress of Petrochemistry and Process Control; III International Congress of Electricity, Electronics and Telecommunications; IV International Construction Summit, in which a presence was made attending to national and international presentations. The work carried out was presented at the III International Congress of Electricity, Electronics and Telecommunications.
I consider that the proposed objectives were met, since an exchange of knowledge was carried out in different engineering areas and a preliminary view of the engineering environment was obtained, both nationally and internationally. In addition, the research areas that work within the MEM Research Group of the USTA School of Electronic Engineering were unveiled at a high impact event. Finally, the article is expected to be published in the Journal IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Enginering (ISNN 1757-8981), indexed by Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar and Open Access.