Propuesta técnica para aumentar el ancho de banda del servicio de internet en Telnova S.A.S. por medio de balanceó de carga
2021-10-07Registro en:
Baron Pastrana, D.J. (2021)Propuesta técnica para aumentar el ancho de banda del servicio de internet en telnova s.a.s. por medio de balanceó de carga. [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Santo Tomás]. Repositorio Institucional.
reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Baron Pastrana, David Julian
A documentary research process is developed in which the objective is to make a technical proposal to increase the bandwidth of the internet service in the company Telnova S.A.S. Using the infrastructure available in the municipality of Paz de Ariporo, through the collection of results from scientific articles, it was decided to carry out the technical proposal using the VRRP protocol in load balancing configuration and redundant two-channel topology, in order to add bandwidth to increase total capacity. The proposal is simulated in the GNS3 software, checking that the proposed solution is feasible to apply in a real environment. As a result of the analysis of the IP packet routes, bandwidth expansion is obtained with asymmetric traffic.