Creencias sobre actividades extracurriculares, las competencias socioemocionales y el juego, para la formación integral en la educación superior
2022-06-29Registro en:
Montejo Angel, F. A. (2022). Creencias sobre actividades extracurriculares, las competencias socioemocionales y el juego, para la formación integral en la educación superior [ Doctorado, Universidad Santo Tomás]. Repositorio Institucional.
reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomá
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Montejo Angel, Fernando Augusto
This research was carried out from a qualitative paradigm with interpretive methodology, to know the beliefs about the relationship between extracurricular activities, play and socio-emotional competencies, from the perspective of coaches, teachers and professionals responsible for extracurricular artistic or sports activities, linked to University Welfare units (or related) in Higher Education Institutions in Colombia. For the present investigation, a characterization of the extracurricular activities in 43 higher education institutions was conducted, Therefore, it was made a content analysis of the policies and guidelines on university welfare of 4 universities, and those results were contrasted against the interpretation of 14 in-depth interviews with expert coaches, teachers and managers in extracurricular activities. The results showed the particularities and differences of the academic-administrative organization of the extracurricular activities of art and sports that Colombian universities offer. Belief of participants in the study, states that these activities promote intra- and interpersonal skills, discipline and encouragement of teamwork. It was found that the characteristics of extracurricular and game resources also used in these sports and cultural activities allow the establishment of a magic circle atmosphere. This atmosphere originates in the will of the participant, in the relationships of trust between the participants and the teacher, and in the characteristics of the time and place where these activities take place; this environment of trust is a promoter of mental health from extracurricular activities in universities. . There are tensions associated with the diversity of formal conditions of extracurricular activities professionals, and also tensions linked to the spaces - times for this type of activities in the administrative organization that hinder the continuity of the processes, and an associated tension is located to the concept of free time and the incorporation of play in higher education. Based on the findings, a training proposal is made for the group of coaches, teachers and professionals linked to these extracurricular activities, to enhance the characteristics of extracurricular as a promoter of socio-emotional competencies in universities, and therefore, for generate a space of well-being and mental health, from an atmosphere that necessarily includes play as a context.