Modelación Hidrológica mediante TETIS para el estudio de eventos extremos máximos en la cuenca del río Guayuriba
2020-02-07Registro en:
Salazar Cuellar, J.C. Clavijo Rodríguez L.J. (2020). Modelación Hidrológica mediante TETIS para el estudio de eventos extremos máximos en la cuenca del río Guayuriba. Trabajo de grado. Universidad Santo Tomás. Villavicencio
Salazar Cuellar, Juan Camilo
Clavijo Rodriguez, Laura Jimena
This paper focuses on conducting a hydrological study, which is aimed at determining the maximum flows of the main riverbed of the Guayuriba river basin, so that hydrological information can be forged that will serve as a pillar for the subsequent approach of mitigation measures of disasters designed to reduce the risk caused by floods.
This concentrates its efforts in the Guayuriba river basin, which is located in the rural area of the municipalities of Guayabetal in the department of Cundinamarca, Villavicencio, Acacías, San Carlos de Guaroa and Puerto Lopez in the department of Meta, on the part low of the eastern mountain range in Colombia, this basin is instrumented with hydrological and climatic stations of the IDEAM.
It was developed based on the application of the TETIS distributed hydrological model, where the data required for modeling are geological, hydrometeorological, crop / plant cover and soil use. Regarding land uses, this information is from the 2006 Corine Land Cover and is adapted to the study area.
Once the information mentioned above was collected and analyzed, the inputs or input maps that the model requires were generated. This was done using the ArcGis tool, which served as the basis for the generation of the maps associated with the Guayuriba river basin.
Finally, with the information presented in the basin, the analysis of the hydrological response on a daily scale was carried out and subsequently the process of calibration and validation of the model was carried out, through the application of the distributed hydrological model TETIS and the selected capacity station (Caseteja -delight).