dc.contributorFernandez Leandro, Hipólito Antonio
dc.creatorBernal Pamplona, Andres Sebastian
dc.identifierBernal Pamplona, A.S. (2019). Prestación de servicios técnicos y de apoyo a la gestión en la Secretaria de Planeación del municipio de Tibaná, como soporte a actividades operativas.Trabajo social de pregrado.Universidad Santo Tomas.Tunja.
dc.description.abstractThe next job will know the work done in the secretary of planning of the Municipality of Tibaná – Boyacá, which consisted in the implementation of the various activities, it starts with the supervision of the works conducted by the municipality; the first work was to visit the house of the older adult in which were made adjustments and additions to its facilities. The work by my part was to review the finished and compare the stipulated amounts of work with those reflected at the time in order to be able to conclude whether there were additions do not concrete in the contract made on the part of the external contractor and the mayoralty. The second work was visit to the installations of Gustavo Romero Hernández School, in which the distribution of a passageway that communicated with the school restaurant was to be modified; the next task to be performed was to make measurements of walls with their respective heights and lengths, finally became the modification in the AutoCAD program to reach the design required by managers, all this with their respective quantities of work and budget. The third activity was the constant visit to the urbanization that will be carried out in the municipality of Tibaná, which is subsidized by it and by the families that passed the contest to acquire them. The work done by my part was to attend as assistant surveying the survey equipment since it was due to a respective modification of the lots of the homes and tracks to design and execute. The objective of the mayor was to deliver the property with the pertinent excavations of the terraces where the houses would be located with their topographically designed levels and the excavations of the access roads and vehicular flow, in the same way the roads with base, sub base and sewerage had to be delivered. Another of the activities was the elaboration of different tanks that allowed the storage to contribute to the inhabitants of the rural zone due to the bad handling that they have with respect to the collection of waters as much rains as sanitary and the distribution of the same one. For which it was elaborated structural plans with their relative quantities of work and budget.
dc.relation• RESOLUCION No.202 (23 de octubre de 2017). Manual Especifico de Funciones y de Competencias Laborales para la Administración Central del Municipio. Recuperado de https://tibanaboyaca.micolombiadigital.gov.co/sites/tibanaboyaca/content/files/000 097/4811_1012_manualdefuncionesycompetenciaslaboralesdefinitivo1_ 1.pdf
dc.relation• NSR 10 CR 12.18 empalmes de refuerzo corrugado a tracción. Recuperado de https://www.idrd.gov.co/sitio/idrd/sites/default/files/imagenes/3titulo-c-nsr-100.pdf
dc.relation• Reglamento técnico del sector de agua potable y saneamiento básico. Sección ll título d. sistema de recolección y evacuación de aguas residuales domésticas y pluviales. Bogotá DC Noviembre 2000. Recuperado de http://www.minvivienda.go v.co/Documents/ViceministerioAgua/010710_ras_titulo_d_.pdf
dc.relation• Resolución 0330 - 2017 – REGLAMENTO TÉCNICO – RAS. Recuperado de http://www.acodal.org.co/reglamento-tecnico-ras-nueva-resolucion-0330-de-2017/
dc.relation• Excavación corporación autónoma regional de Cundinamarca. Recuperado de https://www.car.gov.co/uploads/files/5aecc931e5ecd.pdf
dc.relation• Predio: unidad administrativa especial de catastro distrital Recuperado de https://www.catastrobogota.gov.co/es/node/364
dc.relation• Gavión sistemas de corrección fluvial, muros de contención y urbanismo. Recuperado de https://docplayer.es/15075357-Gaviones-sistemas-de-correccion-fluvial-muros-de-contencion-urbanismo.html
dc.relation• Traslapos estructurales NSR 10 C.12 14 empalmes de refuerzo, generalidades. Recuperado de https://www.idrd.gov.co/sitio/idrd/sites/default/files/imagenes/3titulo-c-nsr-100.pdf
dc.relation• ABECE del agua y saneamiento básico. Ministerio de salud. Recuperado de https://www.minsalud.gov.co/sites/rid/Lists/BibliotecaDigital/RIDE/VS/PP/SA/abc-agua.pdf
dc.relation• Sumidero infraestructura lineal/alcantarillado EPM. Centros De Excelencia Técnica Unidad Normalización Y Laboratorios. Recuperado de https://www.epm.com.co /site/Portals/3/documentos/Aguas/NC_AS_IL02_17_Sumideros.pdf?ver=2019-05-08-093904-053
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución 2.5 Colombia
dc.rightsAtribución 2.5 Colombia
dc.rightsAtribución 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleTrabajo social : prestación de servicios técnicos y de apoyo a la gestión en la Secretaria de Planeación del municipio de Tibaná, como soporte a actividades operativas.

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