dc.contributor | Vargas Osorio, Juan José | |
dc.contributor | https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1416-9467 | |
dc.contributor | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tg9vauEAAAAJ&hl=es | |
dc.contributor | https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001402751 | |
dc.contributor | Universidad Santo Tomás | |
dc.creator | Jiménez García, Nicolás | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2022-02-09T12:06:49Z | |
dc.date.available | 2022-02-09T12:06:49Z | |
dc.date.created | 2022-02-09T12:06:49Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2022-02-04 | |
dc.identifier | Jiménez García, N. (2022). Estrategias de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático para el sector cafetero en el municipio de Monterrey, Casanare. [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Santo Tomás]. Repositorio Institucional. | |
dc.identifier | http://hdl.handle.net/11634/43118 | |
dc.identifier | reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás | |
dc.identifier | instname:Universidad Santo Tomás | |
dc.identifier | repourl:https://repository.usta.edu.co | |
dc.description.abstract | The climatic conditions determine to a great extent the procedures to be followed in order to obtain good quality coffee crops in certain regions. Colombia is a country that is internationally recognized for its authentic coffee, where the coffee growing
region stands out in the production of this product. The municipality of Monterrey is located in the plains region of the country, a region that has increased its coffee production year after year. In this region it is common to see that the coffee activity
is developed in properties with average extensions of two hectares, which in their majority are located in mountainous areas between the eastern mountain range of the Andes and the piedmont of the plains, where the crops stand out among a rugged
relief and have very particular climatic characteristics for what is traditionally required for coffee crops.
In the present work the problematic that the coffee sector is presenting was made known, since due to the influence of climate change different variables that can affect the quality and production of coffee crops are being altered. With the development
of this project mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change were formulated and proposed for the coffee sector, articulated in environmental management programs that as a strategic tool serve to be applied in the producing
farms of the municipality, and that in the medium and long term will allow the inhabitants of the municipality to maintain a productive balance that ensures their social and economic wellbeing, but that at the same time include improvements to
the production processes in the region to make them more modern and adequate, seeking to generate sustainable crops through less polluting practices, which
articulated with public policies of the municipality will improve the quality of life of the people and the ecosystems of the region.
While it was found that the producers of Monterrey face several difficulties to carry out their productive activity such as the lack of inputs, methods and adequate work tools, the lack of roads and infrastructure to distribute the coffee loads, together with
the more aggressive dynamics of the market, hinder the implementation of environmental policies in the sector. In accordance with the environmental and climatic diagnosis carried out, environmental management programs were proposed
that are aimed at mitigating and generating adaptation in the coffee sector in the face of poor production practices and the environmental impacts generated by them, such as the management and use of soil to avoid erosion, the use of water and the
management of spills, The management of toxic gases derived from agrochemicals, the management of solid waste, the possible effects on environmental health, and more concrete measures formulated for specific cases that occur in the municipality
and contribute to generating solutions to the problems faced by coffee growers, always seeking to ensure that they have to assume a low cost. | |
dc.language | spa | |
dc.publisher | Universidad Santo Tomás | |
dc.publisher | Pregrado de Ingeniería Ambiental | |
dc.publisher | Facultad de Ingeniería Ambiental | |
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dc.rights | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/co/ | |
dc.rights | Acceso cerrado | |
dc.rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess | |
dc.rights | http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_14cb | |
dc.rights | Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia | |
dc.title | Estrategias de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático para el sector cafetero en el municipio de Monterrey, Casanare | |