dc.contributorGonzalez Galvis, Juan Pablo
dc.creatorBeltrán Amaya, Wilson Alexander
dc.identifierBeltrán Amaya, W.A. (2020). Apoyo Técnico a la Secretaría de Infraestructura y Vías del Municipio de Tunja, Departamento Boyacá.
dc.description.abstractThe following report contains a description of the main activities developed during the professional practice in the city of Tunja, Boyacá. The main objective of this work was to help in the supervision of some infrastructure projects. This supervision was conducted through visual inspection, design and quality control. In addition, this internship allowed to develop new skills as well as to provide positive impact to the community, who had the main benefit of this infrastructure projects. This technical report was supported in base to the pathological reports, structural calculations and technical structure methodology design guides. Also, Sample concrete laboratory analysis reports and the diagnostic of road infrastructure issues. All those reports are attached as appendix of this document.
dc.relationCCP-14. (2016). Evaluación probabilista de la amenaza sísmica de Colombia con fines de actualización de la Norma Colombiana de Diseño de Puentes. Revista internacional de métodos numéricos para cálculo, 32(4), 230-239.
dc.relationAASHTO.. 4 Ed. (1998). Guide for Design of Pavement Structures. Brown Technical., 4 ED.
dc.relationINVIAS. Manual para la Inspección visual de pavimentos flexibles. Capitulo 1.1.1. (s.f.). NSR-10 . (2010). Norma Sismo Resistente Colombiana. s,n.
dc.relationINVIAS, I. (2013). Especificaciones Generales de Construccion de carreteras. INV ARTICULO 330-13, BASE GRANULAR. (s.f.).
dc.relationINVIAS. Especificaciones generales de construcción de carreteras. Articulo 100.5.8-13. (s.f.).
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.titleApoyo técnico a la Secretaría de Infraestructura y Vías del Municipio de Tunja, Departamento Boyacá.

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