Comunicadores organizacionales en campo: Una mirada desde el empleador, el profesional y la academia
2013Registro en:
Alemán Cuéllar, C.F., & Rincón Parra, N.A. Comunicadores organizacionales en campo: Una mirada desde el empleador, el profesional y la academia. [Trabajo de grado Pregrado Comunicación Social] Repositorio Institucional
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Alemán Cuéllar, Carlos Felipe
Rincón Parra, Natalia Andrea
The reflection around the professional, academic and business feelings of different social actors, located in different contexts, but linked together by a set of imaginaries, practices and knowledge of knowledge, in this case communication in organizations, generates the need to investigate and go beyond the productive practices to question and know in depth the role of each actor in the dimension in which they produce and reproduce, in addition to their thinking about themselves and their feelings in relation to their work and their environment . The search for answers about this task is transferred to the analysis, but an inclusive analysis, which has as a starting point the understanding of the realities of the actors involved, the employer, the professional and the academics. It is important to understand these realities not only for the simple fact of generating contrasts or identifying points in common, but also to dissolve certainties, since, at the level of action, what is believed to occur in a certain way, may have a different, complementary, similar or completely opposite course. Communication in organizations, as a new field of action and in the process of exploration, acquires different meanings for these actors and is an exercise that is constantly subject to the influence of different factors that can determine or redefine the course of actions and, in this measure, generate new ways of thinking and rethinking communication in the corporate context.