dc.contributorSánchez Abril, Héctor Mauricio
dc.creatorRodríguez Amaya, José Humberto
dc.identifierRodríguez Amaya, J.H. (2020).Pasantía apoyo en la construcción de pavimento flexible en vías urbanas del barrio centro en el municipio de Samacá, Boyacá, (proyecto aprobado con recursos del SGR). Pasantía de pregrado. Universidad Santo Tomas. Tunja.
dc.description.abstractIn the internship, the position of engineering assistant was developed in the following work: CONSTRUCTION OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT IN URBAN ROADS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF SAMACÁ, BOYACÁ, (PROJECT APPROVED WITH RESOURCES FROM THE SGR), in charge of THE TEMPORARY UNION PAVEMENT SAMACÁ 2019, which aims to build the functional and practical structure for the service of the community. Support tasks were carried out in the work, financial and administrative department of LA UNIÓN TEMPORAL PAVIMENTO SAMACA 2019, regarding the control of materials used, control of personnel on site, monthly payment sheets, amounts of work, financial balance, management of unit prices, neighborhood acts, committee minutes, interpretation of plans. In this contract it consists of the construction of a flexible pavement structure, likewise, the construction of platforms in the central neighborhood, market square sector of the municipality of Samacá, department of Boyacá, with a duration of five (05) months and with a Budgetary availability of NINE HUNDRED FIFTY SIX MILLION THREE HUNDRED FIFTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SIXTY SIX PESOS M / CTE ($ 956´315,166.00) and that the value of the proposal presented by the TEMPORARY UNION PAVIMENTO SAMACA 2019, corresponds to NINE HUNDRED FIFTY SIX MILLION TWO HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY-TWO PESOS M / CTE ($ 956´297,242.00). Which fulfilled the previous studies, sector analysis, and the specifications in the bidding process.
dc.relation(IDU), I. D. (s.f.). Instalación de adoquines de arcilla para superficies de tránsito peatonal y vehicular. Obtenido de Sección 700-11: https://www.idu.gov.co/web/content/7637/700-11.pdf
dc.relationSánchez, L. M. (2018). JURISCONCRETO ESTUDIO LEGAL. Obtenido de http://jurisconcreto.com/el-acta-de-vecindad/
dc.relationANI. (2016). DEMOLICIÓN Y REMOCIÓN. Obtenido de ANI: ftp.ani.gov.co › disco28
dc.relationDNP Departamento nacional de planeación. (2012-2017). Copyright DNP. Obtenido de https://www.sgr.gov.co/Qui%C3%A9nesSomos/SobreelSGR.aspx
dc.relationINVIAS, I. N. (mayo de 2013). Capitulo 1 Especificaciones generales de construcción de carreteras Art. 320. 4. 6. Bogotá D.C.
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titlePasantía apoyo en la construcción de pavimento flexible en vías urbanas del barrio centro en el municipio de Samacá, Boyacá, (proyecto aprobado con recursos del SGR)

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